July 26, 2024

Getting a good lawyer who understands your case well is always a task.

Every lawyer has their strengths and weaknesses, so choosing one always depends a lot on the situation at hand. So, it is important to choose a lawyer who has expertise in handling the type of case that you are dealing with. 

Keep reading to learn more about criminal defence and constitutional lawyers so you can figure out who you need to hire.

Defence Lawyer

Criminal Defence Lawyer vs. Constitutional Lawyer

Although their daily schedules and way of approaching a case can appear to be quite similar, there are a few key differences.

1. Area Of Expertise

Criminal law is the branch of law involving a defence law firm that has lawyers who can address wrongdoing. The crime may have been committed against an individual or is profound in its implications and poses a threat to society as a whole.

Now for all those of you who do not know, constitutional law is that branch of law that addresses the legitimacy and limits of the state’s constitutionally granted powers and basic principles. When compared to other laws of the state, constitutional law is of a higher standard and value. 

It spells out the proper structure of a state, the roles and responsibilities of the various government branches, and the protections guaranteed to its citizens. So, it goes without saying that the lawyers dealing with these issues essentially can specialize in different categories. 

2. Job Role

A criminal defence lawyer is one who provides legal representation to individuals and businesses charged with criminal offences. They conduct an investigation on the defendant’s behalf, counsel the defendant on how to plead, and, if needed, represent the defendant at trial with the goal of obtaining their acquittal.

A constitutional lawyer, on the other hand, represents those who have been accused of breaking the law. They work to protect their client’s rights and ensure that they receive a fair trial. Constitutional lawyers may also be involved in public policy work, such as drafting new laws or working to change existing ones.

Are Constitutional And Criminal Defence Lawyers Same In Any Way?

The basic similarity between defence and constitutional attorneys is their entry into the legal field. To earn a Juris Doctor degree, all lawyers must complete a four-year undergrad degree and then three years of school of law. 

A lawyer should pass the bar exam after graduation to be accepted to the state bar. In order to be permitted to practice law, you must have completed a minimum of seven years of full-time study, regardless of which side of the courtroom you are in. 

Wrapping Up

As you may have already understood, choosing between a criminal and constitutional lawyer will depend on your specific legal needs. 

If you have been accused of a crime, then you will need the services of a criminal defence lawyer. However, if you believe that a law is unfair or violates any of your constitutional rights, then you will need the help of a constitutional lawyer. 

With the right attorney, you can rest assured that your legal rights will be protected. So, get in touch with one at the earliest.